Another Planet
By Jason Larsen
Artist Statement: “In Samuel Corales’ Interactive Creative Writing Class this past quarter, he asked us to list three things that we would take to another planet and three things we would leave on Earth.”
I have three Amazon Echo smart devices, and I would take them all with me to another planet. The first thing is a regular Amazon Echo smart speaker. The second thing is an Amazon Echo Show screen. The last thing is my Amazon Fire Smart TV. This is not the 19th century anymore. It’s the 21st century. This new planet is as futuristic as can be. It keeps tabs on everything that goes on on other planets, including Earth. My regular Amazon Echo smart speaker can allow me to listen to all the music and radio stations on Earth. My Amazon Echo Show screen allows me to do that, and watch TV on Amazon Prime Video and IMDB TV as well. My Amazon Fire Smart TV is the same thing, only in magnified form.
I also have a facial hair trimmer, but I would leave that on Earth. My mom used to force me to shave every morning before I went to school. She didn’t want me to look older than I actually was. However, my skin is very sensitive now, and I can grow as full a beard as ever. On this new planet, it will seem like it’s November forever. My point is that looks aren’t everything. Mr. Rogers and Martin Luther King once said that it is nothing specifically immaterial that should drive you to like a person. Rather, it is the content of their character.