Autumn Longing

October 13, 2022 at 2:00 pm

I wrote a poem about fall. It was inspired by the theme of Falling Leaves and by Mary Oliver’s poem “Song for Autumn” and here it is:

Autumn Longing

It is time for bed,
It is time for rest.
Everything strives south,
goes down,
lets loose.
We all have gone to seed
Planting our hopes for next year into their prepared beds
No more roses only the ripe hips now
Now the feast from the harvest
Now the felling, the falling, the cutting
of expectation
as we curl in tighter
as we dig in deeper
we hold tightly to ourselves
in the wake of the coming winter
we long to close our eyes
as the sun sets ever lower in the sky

by Pauline Gates, PwA PA and AMB