A Survivor’s Thanksgiving

November 18, 2022 at 4:38 pm

Abusive father and brother…Sister who threw me to the curb…I went to Tent City 4 and hated it there.Then I became an independent operator homeless man.Dealing with people was too much of a headache.Generally, I prefer being alone.Now that I have lymphoma — round two — everyone wants to be […]

Where is Daisy?

October 24, 2022 at 11:49 pm

Where is Eric? So many come and go. Fast friends lost. Where is Ruanda? I asked that a few years back. Has anyone heard from Ruanda? “Oh, honey, she died.” We were supposed to go to the aquarium together. She had invited me, with a big smile on her face. […]

Autumn Longing

October 13, 2022 at 2:00 pm

I wrote a poem about fall. It was inspired by the theme of Falling Leaves and by Mary Oliver’s poem “Song for Autumn” and here it is: Autumn Longing It is time for bed,It is time for rest.Everything strives south, goes down, lets loose.We all have gone to seedPlanting our […]

Falling Leaves

October 12, 2022 at 7:17 pm

The leaves are so beautifulin all their differentshades, shapes, and statesof growth, release, or decay.Today I am thinking of the treeThat held that life in its existence,nurtured it from before it was a small budcarried nutrients to it so that it could surviveas it developed and grewnow the tree sends […]


September 26, 2022 at 6:51 pm

I cannot sleep.Then, I become exhausted and sleep too much.I cannot function well.Day is night, and night is day.I live in opposite world.Thyroid, lymphoma, testosterone, diabetes.Exhaustion.What else can go wrong?What else will go wrong?So damn tired.This is living?I learn that someone I admire has died.Suicide.I seem to be the last […]

Winter Bone

September 14, 2022 at 8:55 pm

Winter Bone The long exhalation of winter descends on my bones. Leeching the life from my blood until I’m left as barren as the land.  The quiet hush of snow covered ground hides the impatient musings of my mind as I seek a way beyond the bland limitations of this […]

A brief lesson in writing

August 24, 2022 at 11:04 pm

Perfectionist that I am, this headline from The Seattle Times caught my attention. The photograph grabbed me first and then I noticed the error. This is not meant to embarrass or shame anyone. We all make mistakes. Instead, I consider this a lesson in cooperation. ‘Snoqualmie Tunnel is the subject […]

Defending the freedom to write

August 17, 2022 at 12:15 am

STAND WITH SALMAN“Writers around the globe stand in solidarity with Salman Rushdie and celebrate his tireless advocacy for the freedom of expression and the plight of imperiled writers around the globe.” I stand with Salman.

Father’s Day? It’s complicated.

June 19, 2022 at 9:29 pm

Reading this brought up some memories and feelings, more than a few that I work hard to keep burying. (This is your trigger warning.) “The third Sunday in June is a challenging one for those of us with fathers who were destructive forces in our lives. A missing father leaves […]

Learning to Listen

June 1, 2022 at 9:33 am

by Melany Bell Please enjoy this poem and images on listening, begat from my very own mind in 2022. Thank you for listening…The images and poetry are by : ©MELANY BELL 2017-2022 all rights reserved   Artist Statement: I am an Ambidextrous Painter, Scientist, Step-Mother, Lover of Lady’s & their […]