Theme of Fall 2022: Falling Leaves

September 10, 2022 at 12:31 pm
a watercolor and ink painting of golden and grey leaves by Angela Michaelina
“Falling Up” by Angela Michaelina

Hello, folks! Long time, no post. I hope everyone has been having a nice summer. I’ve been quite busy myself, hence my silence for the past couple of months. It’s hard to imagine that summer will soon be over. With that being said, fall will soon be here. What do you associate with this season? I imagine that these days, people would mention how there is pumpkin spice-flavored everything during autumn months. Though, there is another key trait that reminds people of fall: falling leaves!

We here who are managing the blog, Ambassadors, and other Path with Art players have decided to have a go at offering regular (perhaps seasonal?) themes to help inspire all of you fine folks and help generate some content for this blog. So, what does the former paragraph have anything to do with this? Well, the theme, courtesy of Bean Fairbanks, for this period is Falling Leaves.

In regards to this theme (and any future themes), you can submit any creative work to this blog relating to it, as long as the content adheres to the blog’s guidelines. For instance:

  • If you are a plein air painter or illustrator, you might want to share with us a painting or drawing that you did of the trees changing colors and dropping your leaves.
  • Or perhaps you like to collect dead leaves so that you can make collages, wreaths, or other crafts with them.
  • Maybe seeing the leaves in the breeze has inspired you to write a poem, some prose, or a short story about them.
  • Perhaps you want to make a simple mini-documentary of the changing foliage.
  • Or maybe you have been working on a podcast, and the topic of discussion pertains as to why deciduous trees drop their leaves.

The possibilities are endless (especially considering that you can be literal or unliteral as you want to be)! If you have any ideas, please send them our way. If you are uncertain as to go about this, refer to the submissions tab at the top of this page or e-mail us editors at, and if need be, we can aid you in this process.

Also, keep in mind that you are not limited or obligated to follow any themes that we present to you. You can submit material that is unrelated to the current theme at any time. We are happy to receive contributions of all types, as we want Path with Art participants of all types to be contributors to this blog.

So, to reiterate, the theme for fall 2022 for content to submit to the blog is falling leaves.

(By the way, if you have any ideas for future themes, feel free to share those with the editors, too!)